Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Thanks to Chris for Photoshopping our new duck family. Megatron may become Megatronica if things go our way.


  1. You crazy kids. Who made these names up?? I notice flowers, Nintendo characters, and the blueberry girl from Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. I'm lookin' for a common theme, but can't find one.

  2. I love these names! Of course our ducks, Izzie and Agatha are cute too. The poop gets so much easier when you can put them on wood chips and of course, when they get to go outside.

  3. I just wanted to comment and say that I love your ducks' names! We just ventured into the world of ducks this year and have Quacker Oats, Dvorak, Gimpy, Lucy, Anasa, and Petunia. Two of them are Cayugas and the rest are Pekins.
