Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 1

After contemplating the purchase of egg-laying hens for several months, we came to the conclusion that it might be more fun to raise ducks. We were introduced to duck eggs on our 2006 stay in Greece. Ducks seem to have more personality than chickens, so hopefully they will be fun to have around, as well as providing delicious eggs.

After some reading, we decided that the Indian Runner breed would be just right. Indian Runner ducks are a domesticated breed well known for their cartoon-ish looks. They stand straight up with prominent long necks and run very quickly. They are also prolific egg layers - each female can lay anywhere from 200-300 eggs per year.

We left our home for a poultry breeder in Schertz, TX on Saturday afternoon intending to buy 2, but no more than 3, Indian Runner ducks. We got in our car with 6 ducks who are only 2-3 days old, but not before the breeder (Angie) had given us a tour of her yard containing beautiful ducks and chickens of all sizes and breeds. Hopefully, when the ducks are 1-2 months old we will be able to identify their sex and return the males to the breeder.


  1. OMG SQUEEEEEE! I want a farm party w/ all the animals. Now Amie just needs to get a dog.

  2. AH!!! My neighbor here in Germany has pet ducks!! They're awesome...just waddle around and quack all day. He even takes them for walks around the block sometimes.

    You guys are so cool. I think your blog will become the next Julie & Julia. Totally.

  3. Oh, Brenna!! I can't believe you have ducks! We had a duck once, we named it William Shatner until we found out she was a girl and then we named her Patty. She was awesome!! Hopefully we can meet your ducks someday!

  4. I cannot believe it. Six! When can the duckie's cousins Bertha and Jordan come for a visit!?

  5. Ducks! Amazing! Just some suggestions for names for the little darlins...LAYla, Yolko Ono, Goose.

    I think I read somewhere that ducks actually sleep with one eye open and one eye closed to protect themselves from predators. Lemme know if this is actually the case!

  6. Rochelle - you guys should def come see the ducks sometime!

    Tom - Bertha might not be invited due to her hunting abilities, but ya'll should come visit. ;)

    Kara - LOVE your name ideas! We couldn't help ourselves and named them hastily on the car ride home. I'll let you know if I notice the one eye thing - crazy!
